User Spaces Experience: Change Default for Topic Notifications to ON as set by Admin. Currently an Admin can subscribe a user to a Space. This is super helpful when setting up Spaces for Alum user moderators such as "Class of 2015". I tell alum-class-space moderators that the "default" for their Class space is everyone is subscribed (even though I do that in the background.) Currently though, I have to explain to them that in order for the alum recipient to see a post immediately in their inbox, the class member has to click on the Topic Notification on the right hand side. I.e. the default is off. This means that the vast majority of recipients will only see notifications of posts once a month mixed in with their big digest (we have our digest set to monthly). That's cumbersome for using Spaces to organize a class event for example. "Mary Jo Alum" may be a month behind in even knowing that her class is having an event. I'm open to suggestions, but IF the default notification for a topic could be ON, then the recipient could turn it off if emails were getting to be too much for them. Use Case: I am a class rep for the Class of 1982 and I am planning an event for the Class and want to know if someone could host it. Right now, it could be up to a month before anyone hears about this in the class and then it's buried in their digest. If we want Spaces to be an easy way for alums to communicate and a classic use would be for a Class Space, then we have to make it easy to actually do so in a timely manner. Otherwise, the reps just revert to "Hey Liz, please email me an Excel spreadsheet of all the email addresses for everyone in my class so I can send them emails." (Which is what we do know and that's a big burden for me and can be out of date.) OR WORSE: "we have a Facebook group so we will just use that even though half our class isn't on it because it's just easier than what you just explained." <- and then they don't explore Almabase or get exposure to all the other cool features we have implemented. Again totally open to other ideas on how to facilitate class communication but my Alumnae Board has asked me to find out what the easiest way is for Class Reps to communicate wit their entire class and short of sending them spreadsheets of everyone's email, I can't really think of anything else.