View Itinerary button in Registration Successful Email (To Guest)
in progress
Tawheed Masoodi
Itinerary should be more easily available to event registrants.
As of now ---> Receive Registration confirmation after registering ----> Click on Registration Kit ---> Find 'Personal Itinerary' button on Reg Kit & click that to view itinerary.
This is too complicated & having a button 'View Itinerary' in the confirmation email would be helpful
Melinda Sue Burke
Would it be possible to include a (R) indicator on the actual event they registered for vs. what is included as sub-event that does not require a registration. For example, an alumni lunch requires you to register, but the ice cream social does not, but I want guests to know what specific events they registered for vs. items that were added to the itinerary not requiring tickets.
Shikha Shiv Kumar (Almabase) (Almabase)
Elizabeth Babb ’82 After discussing this with the Engineering Team, this is something that is marked in-progress. Tagging you here to up-vote it further so you can be in loop of future developments made. I am also adding a gist of what you expressed to me, but feel free to add more information, if you'd like.
Castilleja School's thoughts on the functionality -> When the event confirmation email goes out, there is no easy way to see which sub-events you registered for and it's a multi-click process to even get to this information. Many events are spent out weeks or months in advance and it's difficult for guests to backtrack to look at this information.
Further, the "events details" merge tag on the email shows the start & end date of the details added to the events settings page and not the date/time based on what sub-events a guest has registered so and this is also confusing because if an event starts at 9am but a guest has registered for a 12pm sub-event, the email makes it seem like what they've registered for begins at 9am and not 12pm, does.
These guest-specific details are completely buried many clicks/links down assuming they can find their email confirmation.
Elizabeth Babb ’82
Shikha Shiv Kumar (Almabase) (Almabase) I am glad this is in progress. An easy (?) fix would be to allow the admin to choose from a variety of a merge tags in the confirmation email setup.
Also note we don't call anything an "itinerary" so I'll be changing that wording and hope it's not hard coded into this solution.
This also further speaks to being able to set up global settings for "confirmation" emails for your school's events. We shouldn't have to change the confirmation email for every single event to make it on-brand and work for the school. I have to have a checklist of things to change on each confirmation email for every event. It's time consuming and easy to screw up.
Thank you!
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
More Prominent Personal Itineraries
Michaela Regina Donnelly
Have a personal itinerary in the guest kit is great for attendees, however, it is not easy to find and many of our guests end up missing it. It would be great to make it a more prominent feature in the guest kit (perhaps pulling the information directly into the guest kit, or creating it's own block for it). Adding the itinerary link in the confirmation and reminder emails would be a great addition.
Erin Fumiko Kinney
We'd love to see this feature! We also used the personal itinerary in the guest kit and found that most guests overlooked it, despite our efforts to call it out.
Erin Fumiko Kinney
Ability to show personal agenda in confirmation email with events that have sub-tickets. This guest registered for one of three events, but received info on all three in the confirmation email. Advice on how to improve this would e appreciated.
Kanhai Shah
in progress
Tawheed Masoodi
Erin Fumiko Kinney