Make announcement specific to sub events or
Kanhai Shah
Thank you for the feature request. Announcement is something we are trying to make more use of. Today announcement is event specific and just sits on guest kit. That is not ideal as people do not frequently visit guest kit. We are discussing this internally and will get back on this as soon as we have next steps on this.
Leticia Villalon-Soler
Kanhai Shah: Thank you for responding. So one thing that is useful it to have the option of pushing out emails when a new announcement is posted. For the specific event I have in mind, we have a long lead up to the event because people need to make cross country travel arrangements, etc. We are employing the reminders, but having a way to deploy an email when there's an update to the event - via announcement...and driving traffic back to the event site is probably a good thing. It helps people get acquainted with the Guest Kit, and as our organization does more events with the Almabase platform, it will be good for our alumni to become more familiar with the structure of the site.
Kanhai Shah
Leticia Villalon-Soler: Agreed. Having to draft an email for small text based announcement is cumbersome for sure. Once again thank you for the request. As we are doing bunch of enhancements to our event product this quarter, this will be one of the point we will discuss to consider as well.