Ability to pull Raiser's Edge Employment Data based on Start and End Dates and not rely on specific relationship types
Abdul Moiz Shadab (Almabase)
Eastern Michigan University avoids using multiple employment relationship types in RE to minimize the number of fields they need to maintain, such as relationship type and reciprocal relationship. Instead, we rely solely on employment start and end dates to distinguish between current and former employment.
For pulling accurate employment information from RE NXT, Almabase requires:
- Current employment to have the relationship type 'Employer'
- Previous employments to have the relationship type 'Former Employer'
If this format is not followed, all former employment records appear with an end date as 'current' in AB, leading to data discrepancies.
We'd like to request an enhancement to the current data pull process that allows Almabase to accurately classify employment records based on start and end dates rather than relying on specific relationship types.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Support for 'Past Employer' in Employment Information(Relationship)
Emily J Waldal
When any of our alumni update their organization as 'Former Employer' on Almabase, this information does not sync to RE NXT as expected.
This is because we have 'Past Employer' on RE NXT and not 'Former Employer'.
We need the Almabase integration to offer support for 'Past Employer'
This is how I do it currently :
Since there is no way to update this through the integration, I either manually update this on RE NXT. Or I edit the update from 'Former Employer' update to 'Current Employer' (since that works with the integration) and then change it manually in RE.
This request has been posted on behalf of Emily Waldal, Data Management Coordinator at University School.
Abdul Moiz Shadab (Almabase)
Posting this request on behalf of Damon R. Rosenthal, Director of Advancement Services and Analytics at Eastern Michigan University Foundation.